High priestess Amulet
High priestess Amulet
The centrepiece of this amulet is a Black Spleenwort plant, which has the ability to cut away the energy that no longer serves you. It is a plant of spiritual cleansing.
Black Spleenwort is a sturdiest fern plant, which grows along lava flows and in volcanoes, where other ferns would wilt. This makes this plant perfect for manifesting resilience, inner strength and perseverance in the face of challenges.
The other flowers used in a amulet include Sea Lavender for psychic abilities and access to the subconscious, and baby breath for connecting to your ancestry and family tree energy.
Stones from the desert of Arizona really tie the plant and flower blend together, with their properties of enhancing wearer’s willpower and confidence.
This amulet helps you act out of your own power and intuition and live up to your potential. It is meant for a Wounded Healer who wants to make this world better 🖤
Materials used: sterling silver plated, medicinal stainless steel, resin, flowers/plants/moss.