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Easy Flow Elemental - luck, light aura,letting go, going with the flow

Easy Flow Elemental - luck, light aura,letting go, going with the flow

The twist on traditional Easy Flow Amulet - this time with Pampasgrass, originated from Brazil and Uruguay. 

Manifest: letting go, optimism, slowing down racing mind, being able to change with ease, sense of flow, luck.

Pampass represents flow and easily changing direction. It is similar to The Fool arcana energy - light and unburdened, happy-go-lucky kind of energy. Use it to lighten your own energy, feel more adventurous, spontaneous and open. With this amulet, expect to attract happy coincidences, lucky outcomes, happy and lighthearted people. 

Materials used: sterling silver plated, medicinal stainless steel, natural resin, flowers/plants/moss. 


Regular price $55.55 USD
Regular price Sale price $55.55 USD
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