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Bloom And Witch

Birth of a Star 🌟- eliminate self-doubt , find self-worth, creativity, inspiration

Birth of a Star 🌟- eliminate self-doubt , find self-worth, creativity, inspiration

I am a Star. I deserve to shine. I am worthy of it. There is no circumstances nor people who can make me feel otherwise. I am a soul, and my mission is to shine. 

this amulet eliminates self-doubt, fears and limiting beliefs that stop you from SHINING the way you’re meant to. Being a star is not about follower count, it’s about the confidence, the worth and the strength you feel inside. And this amulet will emphasize those feelings for you like never before. Prepare for a Birth Of A Star. 🌟

Materials used: sterling silver plated, medicinal stainless steel, natural resin, flowers/plants/moss. 

Regular price $55.55 USD
Regular price Sale price $55.55 USD
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